Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Thursday!

I was excited to finally get out of the house today after last week of having the flu and not leaving the house from Thursday until Monday and then this week, we were trapped at home because of the ice storm. I took some pictures while I was out today I will post here too.

This morning, I did the kenpo x DVD and then I went to the gym to do a noon powersculpt yoga, it's a great class except having done a bunch of push ups and legs yesterday, I was a little sore. Then, Wes and I went to meet Taja, Jack and Darby for lunch. Darby is a freshman in high school and is autistic (there are still out of school because of the ice storm), she has a big time crush on my husband. At lunch she kept saying "hey woman" to me and asking "who's that man?" and I said "Brad" and she said "do you like him?" and I said "yes" to which she replied "I love him" It was awesome, I love it that Brad has a girlfriend! Though Taja threatened to send her home with me for the weekend and I don't think I could handle that. She might steal my man, she obviously has very strong feelings for him! :) We went to Hilton Head last summer with Taja and her family and had a blast, I think this is where the crush began! Jack and Wes had a great time playing at lunch too, it was really cute. I think when I need a night out, I will send Wes over so that Jack and Taja can babysit him and maybe Darby can watch Brad for me! :)

Here are some photos from the snowpoclypse 2011! That poor little frog used to be sitting on a stone in my yard, now he's sitting on ice!