Well it's been a couple of weeks so I thought I better add some new photos. As you can see, Wes is learning to climb over things and he loves climbing on and off of this pillow that is actually kind of a dog bed but neither of them ever lay on it so I guess it's becoming a Wes bed. LOL
He is also learning to pull up on things and is trying to stand up, he's not even full crawling yet, still army crawling so I'm wondering if he will go straight to walking, we'll see.
We still have no sign of teeth but last week up til Wednesday which was Brad and my 3 year wedding anniversary, Wes had not been the best baby in the world. We went out to dinner and had to listen to a screaming/crying baby the whole way home which was not fun, it wasn't even past his bedtime. Since then, he has been the BEST baby ever, he was absolutely wonderful on the boat this weekend, falling asleep on my shoulder and the next day he fell asleep on the floor of the boat all by himself, the last few times we had been boating, he was really fighting sleep so this was a nice change! Hopefully he is getting more used to it.
There is one photo of Wes on his many jog/walks with mommy although this weather is supposed to stink this week, hot and rainy so no more of those this week I guess. He also is making a really ugly face when grandma gave him that lemon but he actually liked it! Yet he makes a sour face when I give him a graham cracker... go figure!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband!
Posted by Brooke and Brad Arnold at 12:46 PM
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Those are so cute!! He is getting SO big!
Wes, you are getting so big! What a cutie! Are you ready to water ski or go down the big water slide? You'll have to ask your mommy and daddy about that one! :)
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