Well as I said last week, I wanted to post but never got around to it. We have had awesome weather so we've been able to take lots of walks. Wes has been doing really well sitting as you could see from the previous video. He is also doing his best trying to crawl, he is currently going in circles really well! As of Friday (4/24), he has started getting up on all 4's and rocking a little.
As for my question with what is going on with Wes, on Friday, he woke up all snotty with a runny nose, coughing a little. He had a fever of 100 that evening but hasn't had a fever since. He just has not seemed himself, he's not taking his naps like he normally does... still taking naps but really fighting it, also been fighting falling asleep at night which just isn't like him. I don't know if it's because he's sick, if it's allergies, if he's teething, if it's a growth spurt or developmental with him trying to crawl. I know, who knows, babies are unpredictable but it drives me crazy.
Oh well, enough of that, on to the photos. I am not very good at getting the text inserted where the pictures are so you can pretty much see what they are but there is is one that I threw in that cracks me up. Wes is just over 7 months and this onesie that he is wearing in one photo is a NEWBORN size, how in the world can that be? He also has one that is 0-3 months size that still fits him as well! I just had to post because I'd hate to be the mom that had a newborn big enough to fit into this onesie!
We got a new baby swing for our playset out back and as you can see, Wes loves it!!!

As for my question with what is going on with Wes, on Friday, he woke up all snotty with a runny nose, coughing a little. He had a fever of 100 that evening but hasn't had a fever since. He just has not seemed himself, he's not taking his naps like he normally does... still taking naps but really fighting it, also been fighting falling asleep at night which just isn't like him. I don't know if it's because he's sick, if it's allergies, if he's teething, if it's a growth spurt or developmental with him trying to crawl. I know, who knows, babies are unpredictable but it drives me crazy.
Oh well, enough of that, on to the photos. I am not very good at getting the text inserted where the pictures are so you can pretty much see what they are but there is is one that I threw in that cracks me up. Wes is just over 7 months and this onesie that he is wearing in one photo is a NEWBORN size, how in the world can that be? He also has one that is 0-3 months size that still fits him as well! I just had to post because I'd hate to be the mom that had a newborn big enough to fit into this onesie!
We got a new baby swing for our playset out back and as you can see, Wes loves it!!!
Wes, I hope are feeling better! It was good to see you and your Mom yesterday for lunch, we'll have to do it again soon! You are such a cute and happy little boy!!!
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