Wednesday, March 18, 2009

new burp rags

These are some burp rags (or diapers) that Jo, Brad's mom bought me that I haven't used yet. I was going to do the thing where people sew ribbons on them and then I found these things at JoAnn Fabric yesterday so I decided to do something a little more fun with them. Some of them turned out really well and others didn't turn out so well, who would have thought that ironing things could be so difficult! I'd love to hear what you think of them and if anyone would like me to make any for a gift or something, let me know. I'd be happy to do it (for a price of course, hehe)!
And since you can't really see what they say in the pictures...

  • The tag says "Made with love by Mom"
  • King of the Crib
  • Spit Happens
  • Sweet Pea
  • Little Prince
  • Yohoho and a bottle of milk and Pirate in Training on the other side (these metallic one's didn't do so well)
  • I bite (he does too, LOL)
  • Monkey Business
  • Snuggle Bunny
  • Chicks Dig me
  • No Sugar Added 100% me
  • Party at My Crib


SarahSLP said...

How fun! I love them....especially "I Bite!" Crack me up!

Stephanie Stewart said...

Very cute! Those are just iron-on's? How cool!!!